Saturate water conductivity for the soil structure diagnostic

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Achim Ellies Sch.
Renato Grez
Carlos Ramírez G.


Hydraulic conductivity in the saturated phase was determined in order to diagnose the structural characteristics of Hapludand and Palehumult submitted to different management and located in a series of volcanic soils with a varied pedological development. Spatial variation in hydraulic conductivity in the saturated phase increases in the more structured soils. It's magnitude depends on the amount of coarse porosity.Managements that decrease coares pores reduce the capacity to conduce water.The sites where hydraulic conductivity in the saturated phase experiments big changes after aprolonged flow also show low stability of aggregates. As the volcanic ash soils show a more advanced pedological development, coarse porosity diminishes and with it hydraulic conductivity. In a parallel manner, there is a decrease of the stability of water aggregates and a increase in the variation of hydraulic conductivity of the continuous flow.

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How to Cite
Ellies Sch., A., Grez, R., & Ramírez G., C. (1997). Saturate water conductivity for the soil structure diagnostic. Agro Sur, 25(1), 51–56.

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