Construction of a silvicultural scheme for Nothofagus dombeyi using potential available area, maximum density index and diameter growth variation according to density

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Pablo Cruz
Alejandro Bascuñán


This study proposes a silvicultural management scheme for Nothofagus dombeyi considering a combination of Reineke density index, the punctual density estimation with the method available potential area (APA) and a new function created to calculate the diametric growth when this is depending on density. The Index of maximum density allowed defining the minimum density before losing a land area and onset density for tree crown competence. Considering this information, it proposes a silvicultural scheme, applying tree cut for density reduction and keeping the forest in a rank established to obtain a better diameter of growing with minimum interventions. The Scheme included cleaning (2) and thinning (4), from 23 to 81 years old, with a residual density of 340 tree hectare-1, and a diameter at breast height (DBH) near 44 cm. The application of this scheme would offer a wood volume of 757 m3 hectare-1 total by tree cut added to residual volume at the moment of reaching 50 cm of DBH. This would mean 1.217 m3 hectare-1 in 86 years, and would generate a middle diametric growth of 14.1 m3 hectare-1 year-1.

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How to Cite
Cruz, P., & Bascuñán, A. (2017). Construction of a silvicultural scheme for Nothofagus dombeyi using potential available area, maximum density index and diameter growth variation according to density. BOSQUE, 35(2), 217–227.
Author Biography

Alejandro Bascuñán, Universidad Mayor, Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Oterra, Camino la Pirámide 5750, Huechuraba, Santiago, Chile.

This study proposes a silvicultural management scheme for Nothofagus dombeyi considering a combination of Reineke density index, the punctual density estimation with the method available potential area (APA) and a new function created to calculate the diametric growth when this is depending on density. The Index of maximum density allowed defining the minimum density before losing a land area and onset density for tree crown competence. Considering this information, it proposes a silvicultural scheme, applying tree cut for density reduction and keeping the forest in a rank established to obtain a better diameter of growing with minimum interventions. The Scheme included cleaning (2) and thinning (4), from 23 to 81 years old, with a residual density of 340 tree hectare-1, and a diameter at breast height (DBH) near 44 cm. The application of this scheme would offer a wood volume of 757 m3 hectare-1 total by tree cut added to residual volume at the moment of reaching 50 cm of DBH. This would mean 1.217 m3 hectare-1 in 86 years, and would generate a middle diametric growth of 14.1 m3 hectare-1 year-1.