Acumulación de Hojarasca en un Bosque de Olivillo (Aextoxicon punctatum r. Et Pav.) Del Fundo San Martin (Valdivia-Chile)

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Magaly Riveros
Miren Alberdi, Dra.


In a temperate humid forest of South-Central Chile the seasonal variations of litter fall wer e studied. Th e relative quantities of assimilative and lignified plant material supplied to the edaphic ecosystem wer e established.
Phytosciological samples wer e madr e to describe the floristic composition of the forest, classifying the species according to their growth forms.
The rates of leaf decomposition of the principal wood y species wer e analized. The leaves with a high degre e of sclerophylly and high resins content wer e most resistant to microbial decomposition.

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How to Cite
Riveros, M., & Alberdi, M. (1978). Acumulación de Hojarasca en un Bosque de Olivillo (Aextoxicon punctatum r. Et Pav.) Del Fundo San Martin (Valdivia-Chile). BOSQUE, 2(2), 72–82.
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