Particleboards with Pinus radiata Bark

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Hernán Poblete W.
Juan P. Sánchez A.


Mixtures of Pinus radiata D. Don back and wood particles for the production of particleboards were studied. Single layer boards with the following processing parameters were manufactured: Board thickness: 11 mm; Board density: 650 kg/m3 ; Adhesive content: 8% urea-resin solids, based on ovendry weight of particles; Bark content (%): 0; 10; 25; 40; 55; 70; 85 and 100%. A high correlation between mechanical and physical properties and board bark content was found. The observed trend shows that bark inclusion has a negative effect on mechanical properties, while the physical properties improve.

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How to Cite
Poblete W., H., & Sánchez A., J. P. (1991). Particleboards with Pinus radiata Bark. BOSQUE, 12(1), 17–26.