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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Scope and policy

Estudios Filológicos (EFil) hosts in its pages specialized studies in linguistics and literature, and related areas, especially issues relating to the Spanish language and Spanish and Latin American literatures.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Submitting articles. The author should title his of her work -which must be unpublished- as briefly as possible, and at the end of the recorded name of the institution to which he or her belong. It should also provide postal address and email. Collaborations, written entirely in Spanish -should be sent to the address of the magazine. The magazine goes on circulation in the last day of June and November.

Sending reviews. Reviews are preferably reviews, four page typed with double spacing. The descriptive should not exceed two pages.

Summary and abstract. Each entry must include the beginning of it a summary (in Spanish) and an abstract (in English) should provide an accurate picture of the content, which may not exceed 150 words. It will be incorporated between 4 or 5 keywords, in Spanish and English.

Style. The style rules used by EFil -taken mainly from the MLA Style Manual- are set out below.

Text. The text should not exceed 9.000 words, typed with double spacing, including notes, bibliography and any graphics, tables and appendices. Any version can be send of Microsoft Word for Windows, Times New Roman 12. Graphs, tables and illustrations, with their respective titles and legends, is incorporated into the text , and it will be sent on separate pages and numbered consecutively.

  • The text notes to any numbering, footnotes. Calls to them will be made by superscript numbers without parentheses.
  • The start of a new paragraph shall be indicated by indented five spaces in the left margin. A paragraph is separated from the previous and the rest of the text.
  • A letter, word, phrase or sentence is cited as an example or discussion thread, should appear in italics. If phonetic transcription, it appears enclosed in square brackets, if phonemic between slashes. The meaning of a word will be placed in single quotes.
  • The quotations in inverted commas when not exceeding four lines. On that amount should go to 10 spaces indented paragraph without quotation marks, which is separated from the text by a space more. At the end of the appointment bearing the reference as if it were text reference (see below), which is valid also for indirect quotations and referrals.
  •  The quotes quotes and calls to be recorded footer before scoring:
    "... freedom of expression. "
    ... that society assigns to the variety in question.
  •  If your item subdivision, use decimal numbers (beginning with 1., Following 1.1., Or 2., As required).


Further information

  • The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject entries received (for which it has an editorial board) and make the changes necessary to keep the style of the magazine.
  • All rights reserved. For total or partial reproduction, by any means, of the articles of Estudios Filológicos, it must have the permission of the publisher and the author.