The eclipsed subject in the poetry of Diego Maquieira

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Ana María Riveros Soto


The main purpose of the following study is to undertake a reading centered in the configuration of the poetic subject that is present in Diego Maquieira's work, specifically in 1983 collection of poems entitled La Tirana, and in the plaquette Los Sea-Harrier en el firmamento de eclipses. Poemas de Anticipo, edited in 1986, understanding the poetic subject as an "eclipsed subject", since each one of the present entities constitute figures in permanent state of interposition and superposition. This originates dynamics of elision and identity exchanges that enable -as the only mechanism of replacement of the self- the borderline dissolution between both entities: oppressor subject and oppressed subject. The above, considering the existing articulations between the configuration of the self and the language, the latter as an entity that submits -tyrannizes- and subordinates, at the same time, in the framework of the fracture, translation and disintegration of the poetic subject.

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How to Cite
Riveros Soto, A. M. (2018). The eclipsed subject in the poetry of Diego Maquieira. Philological Studies, (55), 109–128.