"Becoming Carles Batlle": love, war and death in Combat and Zoom

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Anna Corral Fulla


This article aims to provide an analytical and interpretative reading of two plays of the Catalan playwright Carles Batlle. The starting point is one of the philosophical concepts developed by Deleuze and Guattari in their book What is Philosophy?. In the last chapter of this volume, the authors address the concept of artwork as a plan of composition. Our work will show how Batlle always builds a plan of composition around the constellations that define him and confer him a particular hallmark. To this end, the study will focus on two of his plays: Combat (1999) and Zoom (2009).

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How to Cite
Corral Fulla, A. (2018). "Becoming Carles Batlle": love, war and death in Combat and Zoom. Philological Studies, (53), 39–53. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0071-17132014000100003