Andean oral practices: the guitar fox

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Miria Luque Arias
Viviana Pérez Herrera


The aim of the present study is to demonstrate how in the oral discourse of an Andean tale, the Aymara community has acquired meanings and senses which come from the western culture, and how they are reflected through a syncretic view of the world. To bring this closer together, Godenzzi's text analysis model, and 2002 Calsamiglia and Tuson's function of deixis were used in the tale "The guitarist fox", which was collected in the highlands of the Parinacota (Chile) province. The main results of this study show that Andean communities, from ancestral times, have been incorporating a series of oral discourse practices which can explain their present reality.

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How to Cite
Luque Arias, M., & Pérez Herrera, V. (2018). Andean oral practices: the guitar fox. Philological Studies, (52), 75–86.
Author Biography

Miria Luque Arias, Universidad de Tarapacá, Facultad de Educación y Humanidades, Departamento de Español, Arica, Chile.

Proyecto de Iniciación en Investigación Universidad de Tarapacá, código 5741-10.