For a subversion of the martyr's figure in the contemporaneous Chilean narrative

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Claire Mercier


The study approximates itself to the subversion of the martyr's figure in the contemporaneous Chilean narrative, based on the analysis of two novels: El Desierto by Carlos Franz (2005) and La vida doble by Arturo Fontaine (2010). The history takes places during the Military Dictatorship and presents the identity development of two women. The aim is to follow the ambiguous and tortured track of the two women, conjointly with an inversion of the figure of the "conventional" martyr, with the final goal to draw the outlines of its recreation in the literature (and what for).

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How to Cite
Mercier, C. (2018). For a subversion of the martyr’s figure in the contemporaneous Chilean narrative. Philological Studies, (51), 55–67.