Place of the real: poetry of the southern cone in the nineteen sixties

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Oscar Galindo V.


This article explores the poetry in the Spanish-American Southern cone (Argentina, Chile and Peru), with the purpose of contributing to define the horizon of preferences and the disciplinary mutations and migrations that have affected the poetic discourse since the 1960's. From the point of view of literary history, in a first stage we witness the closure of the aesthetic paradigm of historical avant-gardes, which gives rise to a new-style realism, first, and to an interdisciplinary experimentalism in a second stage.

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How to Cite
Galindo V., O. (2018). Place of the real: poetry of the southern cone in the nineteen sixties. Philological Studies, (45), 23–33.
Author Biography

Oscar Galindo V., Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.

Este artículo forma parte del proyecto de investigación FONDECYT 1070208 "Migraciones y mutaciones en la poesía hispanoamericana actual del cono sur (Argentina., Chile, Perú. 1960-2000)". Investigador responsable: Óscar Galindo V.; coinvestigadora: Claudia Rodríguez M.