Foundations for a historical syntax of the Spanish language of Chile

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Manuel Contreras Seitz


The historical syntax of the Spanish language is a subject of study that has been delayed in the linguistic studies, especially if we see the progress shown by other research areas. This article intends to achieve a twofold purpose: first, it wants to present a brief state of the art on this issue, reviewing the works that define the diachronic syntactic research and, second, to establish the foundations of a historical syntactic study of the Spanish language of Chile.

Article Details

How to Cite
Contreras Seitz, M. (2018). Foundations for a historical syntax of the Spanish language of Chile. Philological Studies, (44), 27–51.
Author Biography

Manuel Contreras Seitz, Universidad Austral de Chile, Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura, Valdivia, Chile.

Este artículo se deriva del proyecto Fondecyt N° 1085189 (Conicyt), "Crónica de Jerónimo de Vivar. Edición crítica y relectura".