Female voices in Chile: views on being Hebrew

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Rodrigo Cánovas Emhart
Jorge Scherman Filer


In this paper we analyze the books of four female Chilean-Jewish writers, in which very different views on what it means to be Hebrew are observed: Para siempre en mi memoria (Sonia Guralnik); Sagrada memoria: Reminiscencias de una niña judía en Chile y Always from Somewhere Else: A Memoir of my Jewish Chilean Father (Marjorie Agosín); Poste Restante (Cynthia Rimsky); and Escenario de guerra (Andrea Jeftanovic). These texts have been written from the following spaces: the ghetto, the genealogical tree and the wandering Jew, the circular journey between Hebrew and Chilean origins and the family and world tragedies associated with the war conflicts of the twentieth century.

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How to Cite
Cánovas Emhart, R., & Scherman Filer, J. (2018). Female voices in Chile: views on being Hebrew. Philological Studies, (43), 19–37. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0071-17132008000100002
Author Biography

Rodrigo Cánovas Emhart, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Letras, Santiago de Chile.

Este trabajo forma parte del Proyecto Fondecyt 1051011.