An Instant in the History of Chilean Spanish

Main Article Content

Manuel Contreras


The present article is a synthesis of the phonetic characterization that has had the Chilean Spanish Language from its origins (XVI century) to the end of the colonial period (XVIII century). A documentary corpus of peninsular authors is analyzed as much as “criollos”, where the main features that characterize this dialectal variety are shown. The article starts contextualizing the study, then it centers on the characteristics of peninsular phonetics of the population that arrived at the ‘Kingdom of Chile’, and finally it analyzes the speech of the Chilean “criollos”.

Article Details

How to Cite
Contreras, M. (2018). An Instant in the History of Chilean Spanish. Philological Studies, (42), 59–77.
Author Biography

Manuel Contreras, Universidad de Los Lagos, Departamento de Humanidades y Artes, Osorno, Chile.

Este artículo es producto de los resultados obtenidos a través del proyecto Fondecyt Nº 1040072 “Pragmática Histórica del Español de Chile. Textualidades y contextos en el español de Chile del período colonial” y de proyectos financiados por la Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de Los Lagos.