Words and images, objects and actions in Chilean post-vanguard

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Oscar Galindo V.


This paper analyses a section of the Chilean post-vanguard poetic productivity with the purpose of exploring intertwined words, images, objects and actions in Enrique Lihn, Gonzalo Millan, Juan Luis Martinez and Raul Zurita’s poetry. The study centers on discourse poetry which has given some new dynamics to Chilean poetry causing a mutable and heterogeneous writing in the construction of new debates in contemporary Chilean poetry.

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How to Cite
Galindo V., O. (2018). Words and images, objects and actions in Chilean post-vanguard. Philological Studies, (42), 109–121. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0071-17132007000100007
Author Biography

Oscar Galindo V., Universidad Austral de Chile, Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura, Apartado Postal 567, Valdivia, Chile.

Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación FONDECYT 1040324 “La postvanguardia literaria chilena: subjetividad, representación y pluralidad semiótica”. Investigador Responsable: Oscar Galindo V.; Coinvestigador: Iván Carrasco M.