Palimpsestical reading of Palimpsesto by Juan Paulo Huirimilla

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Hugo Carrasco Muñoz
Selva Mora Seguel


This writing pretends to show that unlike other writers of mapuche origin, the writings of Juan Pablo Huirimilla have an divided identity. This characteristic is shown consciously in his poetry writings. This degree of consciousness is expressed through rhetoric strategies used by the author, such as the Palimpsest (in the transtextual sense of Genette and semiotic of Barbero), the special multiplicity, the ostentation and the use of text author as subject and object of his writing. After an exhaustive bibliographical revision, his main writing is analyzed, palimpsesto, emphasizing his divergent position in relation to the community identity and ethnocentric demands by other mapuche poets.

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How to Cite
Carrasco Muñoz, H., & Mora Seguel, S. (2018). Palimpsestical reading of Palimpsesto by Juan Paulo Huirimilla. Philological Studies, (41), 43–54.
Author Biography

Hugo Carrasco Muñoz, Universidad de la Frontera, Departamento de Lenguas, Literatura y Comunicación. Temuco, Chile.

El presente trabajo forma parte del Proyecto Fondecyt 1060359 "Discursos y Metadiscursos Mapuches: ¿interculturalidad o indigenidad?", patrocinado y financiado por Conicyt y del cual el autor es Investigador Responsable, Verónica Contreras y Mabel García coinvestigadores y como colaboradores tesistas de pre y postgrado de la Universidad de la Frontera, entre ellos la coautora, graduada en el Magíster en Ciencias de la Comunicación de la misma.