Lope de Aguirre: elements to the theory of the Conquist's mite

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Hernán Neira
Juan Manuel Fierro
Fernando Viveros


The Jornada de Omagua y Dorado tells Pedro de Ursúa's expedition to Eldorado and Lope de Aguirre's rebellion in 1560. It quotes also a letter from Lope to Phillip II. It is an unique narration among others of the same time, for aside the accusation text, one find the vision that Lope had about himself and its circumstances. That quotation, bound by the authors of the chronicle to condemn him when he was already death. is the key for the later building, through novels and films, of what we call the myth of Lope de Aguirre, in force in our days. This myth does not cancel that one of the conquest, but it transform it. Its sens has to do both with some fundamental aspects of American history and of human existence. This article deals with the theoretical and philosophical discussion about the Conquest's discourse.

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How to Cite
Neira, H., Fierro, J. M., & Viveros, F. (2018). Lope de Aguirre: elements to the theory of the Conquist’s mite. Philological Studies, (41), 145–163. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0071-17132006000100011
Author Biography

Hernán Neira, Instituto de Filosofía y Estudios Educacionales, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.

El presente artículo forma parte del proyecto titulado "El Dorado: mito y persistencia literaria en el siglo XX", S-200469, financiado por la Universidad Austral de Chile; del proyecto DIUFRO 120413 y del proyecto FONDECYT 1050300. Asimismo, se agradecen los comentarios hechos por el profesor Gilberto Triviños de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile.