Textual linkers in the process of standardisation of the Buenos Aires Spanish variety

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Elena Estela Pato


Usage revels a clear correlation between different sociolinguistic varieties and the speakers'sex thus highlighting `sex' as an unavoidable point of reference when dealing with linguistic variety. With respect to the way textual linkers are used, from a diacronic and sociolinguistic perspective, this correlation has already been proved in man's written discouse as closely linked to the process of standardisation undergone by the Buenos Aires Spanish variety (Pato, 1996,1997 y 2001). As regards the appearance of such elements in female written discourse, this paper records differences with the former wich are dependant on the sex variable. These differences are also associated with the degree of standardisation of the Spanish variety used by female speakers.

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How to Cite
Pato, E. E. (2018). Textual linkers in the process of standardisation of the Buenos Aires Spanish variety. Philological Studies, (41), 205–233. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0071-17132006000100013
Author Biography

Elena Estela Pato, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Departamento de Humanidades, 12 de Octubre y San Juan, Bahía Blanca, C.P. 8000, Argentina.

Al cumplirse el décimo aniversario de su lamentada desaparición física, dedico este estudio a la memoria de la Dra. Beatriz Fontanella de Weinberg, docente e investigadora de la Universidad Nacional del Sur, quien en sus trabajos sobre el español bonaerense, pioneros en los enfoques sociolingüísticos y de sociolingüística histórica, se interesó en indagar en qué medida el sexo constituye un factor de variación en el habla de hombres y mujeres en la lengua actual y en etapas anteriores de esta variedad lingüística del español de Argentina.