Neomannerism, minimalism and neobaroque in contemporary Chilean poetry

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Oscar Galindo V.


This article analyzes Chilean poetry of "avant-garde" tradition with emphasis on the works of Enrique Lihn, Oscar Hahn, Gonzalo Millán, Diego Maquieira y Tomás Harris. The hypothesis is that it is possible to determine a range of categories that are found within the corpus studied: neomannerism, minimalism and neobaroc among the most relevant.

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How to Cite
Galindo V., O. (2018). Neomannerism, minimalism and neobaroque in contemporary Chilean poetry. Philological Studies, (40), 79–94.
Author Biography

Oscar Galindo V., Universidad Austral de Chile, Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura, Valdivia.

Este artículo forma parte del proyecto de investigación FONDECYT 1040324 "La postvanguardia poética chilena. Discurso, subjetividad y pluralidad semiótica". Investigador responsable: Oscar Galindo V.; coinvestigador: Iván Carrasco M.