Genealogical tree and family album:two memory figures in Jewish immigrant narratives

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Stefanie Massmann


Memory is a central element in Jewish immigrant's literature, and the mold that shapes most of their narrations. This study establishes two ways in which memory is conceived in five texts of Jewish immigrants in Chile, described through the images of the genealogical tree and the family album. In the first case, the elements of memory are arranged according to a temporal axis; in the second case, the order looks for juxtaposition of their elements. This article describes and analyzes the possibilities of these two conceptions of memory.

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How to Cite
Massmann, S. (2018). Genealogical tree and family album:two memory figures in Jewish immigrant narratives. Philological Studies, (40), 131–137.
Author Biography

Stefanie Massmann, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Letras, Avda. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile.

Una primera versión de este trabajo se presentó como ponencia en el XIII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Chilena de Estudios Literarios (SOCHEL), en septiembre del año 2004.