Contribution to the history of "voseo". The High Peruvian paradigm at the beginning of the XIX century

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José Luis Ramírez Luengo


Despite being one of the most analysed subjects in American Spanish, the diachronic development of "voseo" is mostly unknown with the exception of Buenos Aires studied in many articles by Fontanella de Weinberg.

In this paper, distribution and usage of "tuteo" and "voseo" in the first years of 19th. century Bolivian Spanish is analysed, in order to establish the paradigm used in the region during this period and also compare the results with those described for different areas, like Salta, Tucumán or Buenos Aires.

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How to Cite
Ramírez Luengo, J. L. (2018). Contribution to the history of "voseo". The High Peruvian paradigm at the beginning of the XIX century. Philological Studies, (38), 179–188.
Author Biography

José Luis Ramírez Luengo, Universidad de Deusto. Avda. de las Universidades, s/n. 48.007 Bilbao, España.

Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la ayuda del Gobierno Vasco, por medio de una Beca Predoctoral de Formación de Investigadores.