Dialect variation in Spanish: multimedia software for the user

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Max S. Echeverría


DVS is an interactive multimedia Windows application devoted to the presentation of the different dialects of Spanish as spoken today in those countries where Spanish is the official language. The software is organized into six modules. A Tour gives a quick look at the contents of the CD by presenting short videoclips of the TV of Spanish-speaking countries. The main module in the software presents an interface with a map where all countries appear as "hot links". When you select any one of them, an interface opens up in which 4 video and 4 audioclips representing the dialect are offered to the user. Besides, a semi-technical description of the dialect is displayed which specifies the phonetic, morphosyntactic and lexical peculiarities of the dialect under consideration. Another module offers the user the possibility of comparing any two dialects of Spanish by watching or listening to media clips chosen by him. The last section reviews briefly four current international research projects devoted to the variation of Spanish from the geographical point of view.

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How to Cite
Echeverría, M. S. (2018). Dialect variation in Spanish: multimedia software for the user. Philological Studies, (36), 117–127. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0071-17132001003600008
Author Biography

Max S. Echeverría, Universidad de Concepción. Facultad de Humanidades y Arte. Departamento de Español. Casilla 20-C, Concepción, Chile.

Esta versión 1.0 ha sido financiada mediante un Proyecto de Docencia de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile, durante el período 1999-2000. Una versión italiana de este trabajo aparecerá en la Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia/RID Nº 23. VDE 1.0 es una aplicación Beta experimental sólo para evaluación. No puede distribuirse libre ni comercialmente como se advierte en la interfaz de ingreso al programa. Quienes estén interesados en evaluar el software pueden comunicarse con Max S. Echeverría en la dirección electrónica mechever@udec.cl o al fax 56-41-256196.

Se trata de un proyecto de investigación y desarrollo conjunto de las Universidades Brigham Young de los Estados Unidos y la Universidad de Concepción, Chile.