School texts of History: the reproduction of racism against indigenous people in Chile

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Pedro Canales-Tapia
Matías Fernández-Alister
Ana Rubio-Poblete


The present work focuses its analysis on the image of indigenous peoples and the sense of history transmitted by the Chilean school system, based on the analysis of school texts. We propose, in this sense, the existence of a political-conceptual framework, legitimized by the national state, in which the official agencies articulate working documents for the school-age population, referred to indigenous peoples, with a clear sense of omission, negation and racialization, as an expression of the modernizing influence of the Chilean political matrix. To achieve the research objectives, the methodology of the Critical discourse analysis formulated by Teun Van Dijk has been used, largely due to the critical explanatory framework offered by this research proposal, which is projected from the epistemological base granted by the Theory of the social representations.

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How to Cite
Canales-Tapia, P., Fernández-Alister, M., & Rubio-Poblete, A. (2018). School texts of History: the reproduction of racism against indigenous people in Chile. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (34), 153–167.