The identitary dimension of paradiplomatic expressions between Bolivia and Chile: An interpretation from a double otherness

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Cristian Ovando-Santana
Sergio González-Miranda


This article tackles the constitution of local identities within the Tarapacá region based on the paradiplomatic ties that local actors undertake with the west of Bolivia. With this purpose, we try to unveil and interpret the content of their regional demands in the context of some diplomatic conjunctures carried out by their respective national governments and capital cities, from the Treaty of 1904 up to now. We hold that in those conjunctures, from a dialogic perspective of the creation of identities (Lebow 2008), these subnational actors came to play leading roles since vindicating certain values and interests common to both sides. Also, basic words are identified (Buber 2006) –defining pairing concepts that allow the integration or estrangement between actors forced to be related– in the political/diplomatic speeches of Bolivia and Chile.

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How to Cite
Ovando-Santana, C., & González-Miranda, S. (2019). The identitary dimension of paradiplomatic expressions between Bolivia and Chile: An interpretation from a double otherness. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (35), 45–62.