An invitation to public sociology. Social research and precarious labor in Chile

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Dasten Julián


The debate about working conditions in Chile is increasingly assuming a greater role in the public sphere. Labour policies inevitably seem to be a topic for social actors according to the conditions of inequality and insecurity surrounding the workspace. In this scenario, the trade union seeks for a public repositioning, mainly diversifying and modernizing its strengthening tactics and action. What we propose in this article, according to this precarious context, is a discussion about sociology, in his active and public expression, and the challenge that it faces in the building of bridges with the ‘civil society’, the neo-precariat and the trade unionism, as to play an active role in social intervention and get
a feedback of revitalization and invigorate its health as a discipline and science in Chile.

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How to Cite
Julián, D. (2017). An invitation to public sociology. Social research and precarious labor in Chile. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (31), 75–90.