Between Equal Pay and Protection of the Family. The Representation of Women in Parliamentary Debates on Wage Regulation in Uruguay (1912-1947)

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Silvana Maubrigades
Malena Montano


 The aim of this article is to make a historical account of the social evaluations about the presence of women in the labor market registered in parliamentary discussions in Uruguay between 1912 and 1947. The analysis followed a previous systematization of parliamentary discussions about wage regulation that facilitated the review of the source material. The analysis shows how the debates around the role of working women were based on the tension between concerns regarding their role as mothers and caregivers and the changing needs of the labor market, particularly in the context of an ongoing industrialization process.

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How to Cite
Maubrigades, S., & Montano, M. (2022). Between Equal Pay and Protection of the Family. The Representation of Women in Parliamentary Debates on Wage Regulation in Uruguay (1912-1947). Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (42), 7–25.