The chaitún and its Place in the Agro-Marine Food System of the Calbuco Archipelago, Southern Chile

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Gonzalo Saavedra Gallo
Claudia Torrijos Kneer
Asunción Díaz Álvarez
Camila Flores Lobos


In this article, we present the results of an ethnographic investigation focused on characterizing the value of the chaitún in the agri-marine food system of the Calbuco archipelago in southern Chile. Chaitún is a traditional preparation of the inhabitants of the southern Chilean coastline, particularly the inland sea of Reloncaví and Chiloé, based on the collection of benthic species located in the intertidal zone. The work of chaitún is primarily carried out by women who, within the framework of a collective organization and resorting to artisan production practices, have a typical product to trade in local and regional markets. Our analysis exposes and discusses the possibilities and limitations of chaitún as a typical food, reflecting on its perspectives of differential positioning.

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How to Cite
Saavedra Gallo, G., Torrijos Kneer, C., Díaz Álvarez, A., & Flores Lobos, C. (2022). The chaitún and its Place in the Agro-Marine Food System of the Calbuco Archipelago, Southern Chile. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (42), 331–348.

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