Intergenerational political subjectivity in student activists from the city of Concepcion - Chile (1990-2022)

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Rodrigo Ganter-Solís
Sebastían Fuentealba-González
Camila Bustos-Meza


The objective of the article is to contribute to the debate regarding the role that youth and new generations have been playing in the renewal of political practices and imaginaries in Chile today, identifying dynamics of political subjectivation and linking processes between different generational units. Methodologically, the study is oriented from the biographical method and life stories, which include voices belonging to three generations of student activists from the city of Concepción. The results identify some dimensions that crystallize in a new political subjectivity that can be traced through different generational situations present in the last 30 years in Chile. Important processes of liaison and political socialization that began in the 90’s are observed, and that germinate during the cycles of mobilization circumscribed in the first two decades of the 21st century.

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How to Cite
Ganter-Solís, R., Fuentealba-González, S., & Bustos-Meza, C. (2024). Intergenerational political subjectivity in student activists from the city of Concepcion - Chile (1990-2022). Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (46), 51–74.