Socioambiental tensions and regional media roles in the public debate formation: two emblematic cases in the chilean ambiental institution (CELCO and Barrancones)

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Felipe Leal Arancibia
Miguel Negrón Oyarzo


During 2010 they surrendered to voting two emblematic proyects for chilean environmental policies: the duct of waste Celulosa Arauco (Mehuín, Los Ríos region) and thermoelectric head office Barrancones (Punta de Choros, Coquimbo region). We claim to characterize the role that they fulfilled the most important newspaper in every region -Austral de los Ríos and El Día newspapers-, before and later of its aproval, having as argue the theory of agenda-setting.

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How to Cite
Leal Arancibia, F., & Negrón Oyarzo, M. (2017). Socioambiental tensions and regional media roles in the public debate formation: two emblematic cases in the chilean ambiental institution (CELCO and Barrancones). Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (22), 25–42.