Evidence Law and its Tower of Babel

Main Article Content

Rodrigo Coloma Correa


The paper reviews practices in the creation of legal evidence knowledge under legal-academic contexts. One of the issues studied is whether theories and explanations proposed in those contexts are incremental or not. This aspect impacts not only in the depth and details achieved, but also in the degree of consolidation of the very same legal discipline (Evidence Law). The study of citations in papers published in Chilean Journals indexed in WoS (former ISI) and SCIELO shows that there is a mid-low level of cohesion among scholars. Therefore, the dynamic in the production of knowledge is partially incremental. The dispersion in analysis perspectives (legal theory or jurisprudence) explains, for the most part, the aforementioned finding. In order for the legal discipline to progress, it is important to agree among aims and to reach conceptual consensus so as to favor the creation of knowledge complex enough to satisfy social requirements in evidence issues.

Article Details

How to Cite
Coloma Correa, R. (2018). Evidence Law and its Tower of Babel. Revista De Derecho, 29(2), 35–58. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-09502016000200002
Author Biography

Rodrigo Coloma Correa, Doctor en Derecho, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Profesor de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

* Este trabajo presenta resultados del proyecto financiado por el Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, FONDECYT 1140986 "Conceptos fundamentales del Derecho Probatorio en Chile". El presente artículo se relaciona estrechamente con otros artículos. Así, le antecede "Las disciplinas jurídicas y su reinvención" y están en una fase de preparación otros textos que refieren a: i) las particularidades de la enseñanza del Derecho Probatorio; ii) bases de un modelo conceptual para decidir hechos; y iii) conceptos y formas de razonamiento para decidir hechos; y iv) los usos de los estándares de prueba.