Agreements pre and post matrimonial. Concepts and models of regulation

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Carolina Riveros Ferrada
Eduardo Aldunate Lizana


The present work presents the way in which pre and post nuptial agreements are regulated in different ways, resulting in models as the outcome from analyzing systems from both continental and common law tradition. Thus, we describe models of enacted law as is the case in Catalonia; models without positive recognition, namely the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Spain, and finally models that can be called mixed, reviewing the regulation and precedents in the EE.UU. and Germany.

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How to Cite
Riveros Ferrada, C., & Aldunate Lizana, E. (2016). Agreements pre and post matrimonial. Concepts and models of regulation. Revista De Derecho, 29(2), 131–155.
Author Biography

Carolina Riveros Ferrada, Doctora en Derecho, Ludwig-Maximilian- Universität, Munich, Alemania. Profesora de Derecho Civil de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Talca.

Trabajo escrito en el marco del Proyecto Fondecyt Regular 1150212 titulado "La eficacia y los límites de los acuerdos prematrimoniales en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno: una propuesta dogmática". Investigadora principal C. Riveros F., Universidad de Talca; coinvestigador E. Aldunate L., P. Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.