Legal Scholarship in Chile. Some considerations on the Development of the Jurist in Chile and Legal Education

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Carlos Felipe Amunátegui Perelló


This paper gives a brief review of the historical development of legal studies in Chile in order to give some light on the recent changes that the emergence of a new actor in our legal arena have brought, the scholar researcher.

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How to Cite
Amunátegui Perelló, C. F. (2016). Legal Scholarship in Chile. Some considerations on the Development of the Jurist in Chile and Legal Education. Revista De Derecho, 29(1), 9–28.
Author Biography

Carlos Felipe Amunátegui Perelló, Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Abogado. Doctor en Derecho, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, España. Profesor de Derecho romano, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Este artículo es parte del proyecto Fondecyt 1141231 y de Anillos de Investigación Asociativa SOC1111.