Construction of a constitutional dogmatic for the parliamentary process: The Colombian case

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Leonardo García Jaramillo


This article reconstructs the main precedents of Colombian Constitutional Court respect to the control towards parliamentary procedure and analyzes it in the light of unconstitutionality defect in which it is incurred when a project suffers from deliberative avoidance. These precedents have become a solid criterion of constitutionality that might serve as a reference about the type, foundation and manner of exercise of constitutional control in the region. From constitutional principles, rules, horizontal precedent and constitutional doctrine, the Court has built a constitutional dogmatic of parliamentary procedure that has been structured from the ideal of deliberative democracy in the dimension of his epistemic justification.

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How to Cite
García Jaramillo, L. (2016). Construction of a constitutional dogmatic for the parliamentary process: The Colombian case. Revista De Derecho, 29(1), 177–196.
Author Biography

Leonardo García Jaramillo, Abogado. Magíster en Humanidades Universidad EAFIT, Colombia y estudiante de posgrado, Università Degli Studi Di Genova, Italia.

La primera versión de este trabajo se impartió como conferencia en el I Congreso Internacional de Derecho Constitucional y Filosofía Política. Belo Horizonte (Brasil) nov. 4 a 7 de 2014. Presenta resultados de la tesis de maestría en humanidades, con énfasis en estudios políticos, defendida en la Universidad EAFIT (Colombia) en 2014. Agradezco a mi director, Mauricio García Villegas, así como a Carlos Bernal, Roberto Gargarella, Rodolfo Arango y Miguel Carbonell, su orientación en los temas centrales de esta investigación. Agradezco también a los dos árbitros anónimos por sus rigurosas observaciones, estilísticas y metodológicas.