Legal description and legality in administrative penalties

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Fernando Londoño Martínez


This paper supports the distinction between the requirement of a strict description of criminal offences and the weaker requirement in this aspect affecting the description of administrative offences. The reasons for such a distinction become apparent once different kind of practical reasoning involved in the regulation of criminal and administrative law are considered. This explains why the article engages in the analysis of Law & Economics and its underlying consequentialist reasoning. It is suggested that an adequate legal standard to assess the description of the administrative offences may respond to the idea of 'sufficient framework of legality'.

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How to Cite
Londoño Martínez, F. (2014). Legal description and legality in administrative penalties. Revista De Derecho, 27(2), 147–167.
Author Biography

Fernando Londoño Martínez, Doctor en Derecho. Profesor asistente de Derecho Penal de la Universidad Diego Portales.

Este trabajo corresponde a mi intervención en las X Jornadas de Derecho Administrativo, cuya versión resumida fue leída el 22 de noviembre en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de los Andes. Un agradecimiento especial debo a los colegas Matías Guiloff, Héctor Hernández, Raúl Letelier, Pablo Soto y Alex van Weezel, por las valiosas referencias y observaciones formuladas a una versión preliminar del presente trabajo.