Interdiction of people with cocaine dependence

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Hernán Corral Talciani


Chilean law does not provide special legal regime to custodianship of people who have a substance-related disorder, especially cocaine, and it is necessary to determine which rules apply: those of dementia or prodigality, for ensure protection of these people and a receipt for their spouses and relatives. After an analysis of what is meant by dementia and prodigality in the light of developments in civil law compared and declarations, international conventions and special legislation on mental disability, we conclude that a disorder of cocaine can lead to both: prodigality as dementia. Given this concurrence of legal regimes is argued that the judge must rule based on which is best suited to the protection needs of the affected.

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How to Cite
Corral Talciani, H. (2011). Interdiction of people with cocaine dependence. Revista De Derecho, 24(2), 31–64.