Family mediation and partner violence

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Deyanira Salazar Villarroel
Eugenia Vinet Reichhardt


This study analyzed the characteristics of violence in couples that have attended to family mediation. Participants were given a semi-structured interview and a selection of items of S.A.R.A., to investigate the presence of partner violence. The data collected were analyzed statistically through frequencies, percentages and implementation of tests of association between variables. The results reveal that in most cases of family mediation, it exists or there has existed a history of partner violence, which installs the need to develop a integrative view of partner violence phenomenon regarding to devise tools that address this issue in the field of family mediation.

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How to Cite
Salazar Villarroel, D., & Vinet Reichhardt, E. (2011). Family mediation and partner violence. Revista De Derecho, 24(1), 9–30.