The ongoing debate in the Spanish educational system: The introduction of civic education

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Rafael Valencia Candalija


This article’s intention is to describe the ongoing debate created by the subject of “Civic Education” (“Educación para la Ciudadanía”). This subject, introduced by the Organic Act of Education (Ley Orgánica de Educación), has aroused great concern in different sectors of Spanish society, mainly because of doubts related to the danger that it may constitute to the survival of religion in schools. For this reason, a large amount of families has expressed a conscientious objection to resist that their children receive this course of study. Ultimately, the principal problems that the introduction of this subject has faced will be exposed, as well as the way in which the Spanish Courts, particularly the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo), have attempted to resolve them.

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How to Cite
Valencia Candalija, R. (2010). The ongoing debate in the Spanish educational system: The introduction of civic education. Revista De Derecho, 23(2), 67–82.