Exercise of collective actions: Analysis of the recent jurisprudence of our Supreme Court

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Maite Aguirrezabal Grünstein


The present paper has the objective of analyzing in light of doctrine and comparative law the innovative institution of adequate representation, peculiar to collective procedures. Its regulation in the Chilean Consumer Protection Act is studied, especially the corresponding representation of consumer and user associations, as well as the Supreme Court’s criteria in the recent rulings regarding the subject.

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How to Cite
Aguirrezabal Grünstein, M. (2010). Exercise of collective actions: Analysis of the recent jurisprudence of our Supreme Court. Revista De Derecho, 23(2), 175–196. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-09502010000200009
Author Biography

Maite Aguirrezabal Grünstein, Abogada, Doctora en Derecho, Profesora de Derecho Procesal en la Universidad de los Andes, Santiago de Chile.

El presente trabajo se elabora en el marco del Proyecto FONDECYT nº 11080052, titulado “Análisis crítico del procedimiento contemplado en la Ley Nº 19.496, para la defensa de los intereses colectivos y difusos de consumidores y usuarios”, del que la autora es la investigadora responsable.