Rescission for lesion in partitions: An exercise about the nature of things in Chilean Civil Law

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Juan Andrés Varas Braun


The author criticizes article 1348 (section second) of the Chilean Civil Code that, referring to a partition, states that “The rescission on grounds of lesion is granted to which has been harmed in more than half of his quota”, as unfair and inconvenient, proposing its legislative modification (and meanwhile, a flexible interpretation), arguing that “the nature of things” in a partition is diverse, in all that matters to this problem, to the one of the contractual relations with which the mentioned disposition assimilates it.

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How to Cite
Varas Braun, J. A. (2006). Rescission for lesion in partitions: An exercise about the nature of things in Chilean Civil Law. Revista De Derecho, 19(1), 61–76.