The tradable emissions credits in act 19.300 and how they have been established in the bill on emissions credits

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Jorge Bermúdez Soto
José Luis Guerrero Becar


The purpose of the paper herein is to study the environmental management tool called tradable emissions credits, known as PET in Chile. Its analysis is divided into two parts. The first part is dedicated to the study of PETs in Act 19300 (framework environmental act). The second part studies –from a critical standpoint– the most significant aspects of the bill on emissions credits, which was elaborated by the Government and is under legislative proceedings in the Parliament.

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How to Cite
Bermúdez Soto, J., & Guerrero Becar, J. L. (2004). The tradable emissions credits in act 19.300 and how they have been established in the bill on emissions credits. Revista De Derecho, 16, 131–145.