The need of the causal analysis against the theory of the objective imputation

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José María Peláez Mejía


With the following investigation, the intention is to: (i) delimit the meaning, reaches and the criteria of objective imputation; (ii) establish the áreas of competences or the tasks that are developed either by the causality or the objective imputation; and (iii) give a philosophical foundation that support the exigences of both levels as necessary elements to determine the criminal liabilty o fan individual, demostrating from it, as main thesis, that the causality and the objective imputation carried out different and necessary functions because one is the empirical link of the naturalistic reality in which the action and the result is based on; and the other one is the normative link. The first ( the causality) gives the empirical raw materials that will be analyzed and valued by the second one in order to know if it belongs or not to a person; in order to know, as well, if it is objectively ( or better normatively) finally attributed. The second one, on the other hand, values what the first describes. In this way, it will be taken into account, from this point of view that the objective imputation ends up being a juridically valorative and prescriptive, while causality does only in a descriptive way.

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How to Cite
Peláez Mejía, J. M. (2018). The need of the causal analysis against the theory of the objective imputation. Revista De Derecho, 31(2), 295–320.