Freedom of association in the chilean Constitution

Main Article Content

Irene Rojas Miño


Starting from the general foundation of freedom of association and its contents, as well as the evolution that chilean constitutional texts have had regarding collective rights, this work analyzes the different positions of labor doctrine about freedom of association constitutional coverage, its contents within the constitutional text and the efficacy and validity of this right in the labor relations system. Finally, hypothesis are given to allow to explain the limited efficacy of freedom of association in the chilean juridical system.

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How to Cite
Rojas Miño, I. (2017). Freedom of association in the chilean Constitution. Revista De Derecho, 30(1), 9–31.
Author Biography

Irene Rojas Miño

Doctora en Derecho, Universidad de Valencia.
Profesora de Derecho, Universidad de Talca.