La grande confusion. Comment l’extrême droite gagne la bataille des idées

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Philippe Corcuff


This article is the text of a conference presentation of Philippe Corcuff's critical political theory book on the extreme right-wing process of public debates in France since the mid-2000s: La grande confusion. Comment l'extrême droite gagne la bataille des idées, published in 2021. This book explores three “discursive formations” (Michel Foucault): ultraconservatism (with its most radical pole, “postfascism”), confusionism and identitarianism, in a context of crisis of the notion of “left”. The article emphasizes two figures of “French-style postfacism”: Alain Soral and Éric Zemmour. It concludes with hypotheses  formulated on the eve of the French presidential election of April 2022.

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How to Cite
Corcuff, P. (2022). La grande confusion. Comment l’extrême droite gagne la bataille des idées. Revista Stultifera, 5(2), 267–278.
Author Biography

Philippe Corcuff, Institut d’Études Politiques de Lyon, Francia.

El doctor Philippe Corcuff es profesor titular de Ciencias Políticas del Instituto de Estudios Políticos de Lyon y miembro del laboratorio CERLIS (Centro de Investigación sobre Vínculos Sociales, CNRS/Universidad Paris-Cité/Universidad Sorbonne Nouvelle).