Critical Theory and Contextual Justice in Current Philosophy: 100 Years of Problems and Shared Perspectives

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Ricardo Salas-Astraín


This article is framed in the contemporary discussion of various concepts linked to theories of justice, analyzes the question of universalism and identity from the legacy of Frankfurt critical theory, and reworks them from a questioning of capitalism that expands today globally. Specifically, it articulates the nexus between injustice and context based on a transatlantic dialogue in which ideas of justice are put in relation to social suffering, the feeling of injustice and the uncertain heat of social struggles and conflicts, asymmetries that were not only part of the interwar period at the beginning of the 20th century, but today respond to the situation of a “global disorder.” We are also interested in contributing to a global peripheral thought that responds to the problems defined by universalist theories that justify social stability, overcomes their ideological uses in the field of economics, politics and law, and links at least three continents. trapped in a history of colonialism and dependencies. With this purpose we want to address the forms of historical asymmetries and injustices that are part of historical worlds, namely: Europe, America and Africa. If there is a contextual theory of justice, it needs to start not from a set of universal principles, almost always rational and abstract, but from a dialogue of experiences and ethics rooted in traditions that nourish theoretical proposals in the field of practical rationality (moral, politics and law), which imposes the task of clarifying complex and dissimilar philosophical problems of the theories which confuse the context with the merely particular and opposed to the universal.

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How to Cite
Salas-Astraín, R. (2024). Critical Theory and Contextual Justice in Current Philosophy: 100 Years of Problems and Shared Perspectives. Revista Stultifera, 7(2), 61–92.
Artículos del Dossier
Author Biography

Ricardo Salas-Astraín, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Temuco, Chile.

Ricardo Salas Astraín es Filósofo, Doctor por la Universidad Católica de Lovaina. Actualmente trabaja como académico en la Universidad Católica de Temuco, y es Director del Doctorado en Estudios Interculturales.


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