Content validity of the MOBAK Battery for the assessment of the curricular motor skill-related aims in Physical Education

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Jaime Carcamo Oyarzun
Sebastián Peña Troncoso
Pablo Cumilef Bustamante


The purpose of the present study was to analyze the pertinence of the content of the MOBAK Battery to assess the development of the curricular motor skill-related aims established for Physical Education class. An exploratory methodology was adopted to establish the content validity in three phases: Conceptualization of motor skills; content validity index (CVI) established by panel of experts; and a survey for physical education teachers. The results indicate that there are differences of categorization but not of conceptualization in the description of motor skills presented in the curriculum and in the MOBAK Battery. The content validity index establishes a high level of reliability (CVI=0.81). The teacher survey indicates a high pertinence of motor tasks with regard to learning objectives. The MOBAK Battery results to be a valid instrument to diagnose and monitor the development of motor skills in Physical Education class.

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How to Cite
Carcamo Oyarzun, J., Peña Troncoso, S., & Bustamante, P. C. (2022). Content validity of the MOBAK Battery for the assessment of the curricular motor skill-related aims in Physical Education. Pedagogical Studies, 48(1), 309–322.