Resilience and vocational choice. A study with residential and educational professionals who serve people with functional diversity

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Moisés Mañas-Olmo
Blas González-Alba
Esther Mena-Rodríguez


The aim of this study is to analyse the resilience capacities of professionals who work with people with disabilities according to different variables such as age, gender, work context, time in the same position and vocational preference, among others. A total of 360 professionals in the field of attention to diversity who work in centres (educational and residential) in the provinces of Malaga, Seville and Cordoba took part. The results show that the participants show a significant resilient development that is not explained by gender, age, time in the profession or having a family member with a disability. We found that the majority of the participants selected their current job for their vocation. We conclude that vocational choice plays an important role as a protective factor in these professionals and as a dimension that contributes to enhancing resilience.

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How to Cite
Mañas-Olmo, M., González-Alba, B., & Mena-Rodríguez, E. (2023). Resilience and vocational choice. A study with residential and educational professionals who serve people with functional diversity. Estudios Pedagógicos, 49(3), 223–246.