Other scenarios of a fragmented pedagogic practice: higher education perspectives

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María Alejandra Rodríguez-Serrato
Yulli Alejandra Mancipe-Rincón


Across the realization of a pedagogic practice in higher education and pandemic, the experiencies of two practitioners are narrated from a critic point of view of the literacy on higher education, remote education didactics and communicative relations between the teachers and the practitioners. For it, the voices of the practitioners and a hermeneutical approach, are used for extract frequent problems in this type of scenarios and problematize them by the use of the topics mentioned. To end, in this article you are invited to inquire and read about educational practice scenarios in higher education because it is important to think carefully about how literacy is approached in academy and how we can help to improve the remote education scene.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Serrato, M. A., & Mancipe-Rincón, Y. A. (2024). Other scenarios of a fragmented pedagogic practice: higher education perspectives. Estudios Pedagógicos, 50(2), 187–204. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052024000200187