Drawing Educational Evaluation. An Analysis from the Perspective of Social Representations

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Andrea Lafaurie-Molina
Mónica Borjas
Martha de-Alba
Javier Franco-Altamar


Social representations have become a theoretical reference in the field of education, alluding to their value in revealing the subjective experiences of different actors. Drawing is an accessible and valuable technique that integrates connotative languages in which social representations are made visible. The objective was to know the social representations about educational evaluation of a group of students of a postgraduate course in education. The qualitative approach framed the design of a pedagogical exercise and the subsequent analysis and interpretation of the drawings, which showed disagreements with the traditional evaluation system, its use as an instrument of power that legitimizes hierarchical relationships between teachers and students, and its relationship with basic education over any other dimension of the educational system. It is concluded that drawing contributes to materialize ideas of complex situations of educational issues, which do not usually emerge in verbal language.

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How to Cite
Lafaurie-Molina, A., Borjas, M., de-Alba, M., & Franco-Altamar, J. (2024). Drawing Educational Evaluation. An Analysis from the Perspective of Social Representations. Estudios Pedagógicos, 50(2), 383–402. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052024000200383