Published: 2012-12-28

College students' academic experiences and involvement: assessment scales adaptation and validation

Rubén Abello Riquelme, Alejandro Díaz Mujica, María Victoria Pérez Villalobos, Leandro S. Almeida, Irma Lagos Herrera, Jaime González Puentes, Brandee Strickland


"The Learning Study", a model for the development of Pedagogical Knowledge

Beatriz Figueroa Sandoval, Mariana Aillon Neumann, Juan Herrera Chandía, Verónica Yáñez Monje, Mª Antonieta Palavecino Bustos


Stochastic Model of the conceptual interconnections in a classroom learning process

José Alejandro González Campos, Diana Milena Galvis Soto, Juan Carlos Medina Magdaleno, Nicolás Alberto Moreno Reyes


School climate perceived in secondary students who study in public, subsidized and private schools in Valparaiso city

Cristóbal Guerra Vio, Judith Vargas Castro, Lorena Castro Arancibia, Hugo Plaza Villarroel, Paulina Barrera Montes


Role of psychologists who work in private school in Concepción, Chile: A co-construction process

Constanza García Costa, Gloria Carrasco Sanhueza, Mónica Mendoza Barra, Cristhian Pérez Villalobos


Classroom evaluation of textbooks: is it a possible strategy?

Carolina Alejandra Thibaut Páez, Daniela Alejandra Medrano Polizzi, Ana María Jiménez Saldaña
