An epistemological reflection on the internal generalization of anthropological ethnography
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This paper is framed in the field of methodology, where the effectiveness, theoretical support and level of coherence of the methods used in different areas of knowledge are examined, analyzed and evaluated. Thus, the aim of this work is is to analyse the way in which the ethnographic method, within the field of Anthropology, manages to generalize its results within the group studied (internal generalization), as it is common for those who use quantitative methods to accuse anthropologists of using speculative methods, as they consider that generalizations are hasty and unfounded as they have not used a probabilistic sample. To this end, first a definition of generalization is offered, as well as its typology, and then it is shown why it is a problem for ethnography. Then, examples of classic ethnographies in which generalizations are made are presented, and then a discussion is made of how some anthropologists reflected on the way in which these generalizations were obtained. Finally, internal generalization is analyzed from an epistemological perspective and Inference to the Best Explanation is used to model the way in which this type of generalization can be based in ethnography.
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