Published: 2024-12-30

Gender as a pending subject in the progress of service-learning linked to physical activity

Johan Rivas-Valenzuela, Irene Rivera-Trigueros, Alberto Moreno-Doña, Enrique Rivera-García


Construct validity of the Teaching Vocation Questionnaire for pedagogy students

Carlos Ossa-Cornejo, Nelly Lagos-San-Martín, Maritza Palma-Luengo, Juan Pablo Hidalgo-Ortiz


Matter of knowledge: Competency-Based Teacher Education in Chile and a Non-Parametral Alternative

Hugo Parra-Muñoz, Felipe Hidalgo-Kawada, Marcelo Muñoz-Lara, Nicolás Fuster-Sánchez


Chemistry didactics in basic primary: theoretical and methodological reflections structuring for the teaching of the gas concept

Laura Juliana Neira-Rodríguez, Karol Geraldine Suarez-Chamorro, Diego Alexander Blanco-Martínez, Fredy Ramón Garay-Garay


Other scenarios of a fragmented pedagogic practice: higher education perspectives

María Alejandra Rodríguez-Serrato, Yulli Alejandra Mancipe-Rincón


Improving teachers Intercultural Competences. An experience in action

Mohamed Chamseddine Habib-Allah, Marina Pedreño-Plana, Francisco Javier Ibáñez-López


Conceptions about science and gender: What do teachers and students think?

Pamela Palomera-Rojas, Carolina Martínez-Galaz, Susan Morales


Mapuche family and community in intercultural schooling: contributions to overcoming educational discontinuities

Gerardo Muñoz-Troncoso, Katerin Arias-Ortega, Miguel Del-Pino-Sepúlveda, Javier Vega-Ramírez


Evidence-based educational management for school improvement

Verónica Villarroel-Henríquez, Consuelo Gallardo-Aguayo


Collaborative Work for The Development of Literacy in Children with SLI in a Rural Context During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Abraham Novoa-Lagos, Karina Olivares-Dauvin, Andrea Escobar-Muñoz, Cinthya Fierro-Azócar


Drawing Educational Evaluation. An Analysis from the Perspective of Social Representations

Andrea Lafaurie-Molina, Mónica Borjas, Martha de-Alba, Javier Franco-Altamar


Information and Communication Technologies in the physical education, a narrative systematic review (2006-2022)

Edgar Alberto Talero-Jaramillo, Beatriz Elena Chaverra-Fernández, Didier Fernando Gaviria-Cortés
